(English below)
Pokud vám po restartu VPS nestartuje LXD, je to pravděpodobně způsobeno
změnou ve snapd. Ve verzi 2.60 dělali nějaké změny s AppArmorem a aspoň
v našem prostředí pak LXD nestartuje.
Chyba při instalaci např. vypadá takto:
# snap install lxd
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Start snap "lxd" (25505) services (systemctl command [start
snap.lxd.activate.service] failed with exit status 1: Job for
snap.lxd.activate.service failed because the control process exited with
error code.
See "systemctl status snap.lxd.activate.service" and "journalctl -xeu
snap.lxd.activate.service" for details.
Jednoduchý workaround je v detailu VPS ve vpsAdminu zrušit feature
"AppArmor control directories" (aby to nebylo zaškrtnuto). snapd ani LXD
se potom nebudou snažit AppArmor použít a bude to fungovat.
If you're having an issue with LXD installed as snap not starting, it is
most likely caused by a change in snapd. Version 2.60 contained some
AppArmor-related changes which do not work correctly, at least not in
our environment.
For example, this is the error when trying to install lxd:
# snap install lxd
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Start snap "lxd" (25505) services (systemctl command [start
snap.lxd.activate.service] failed with exit status 1: Job for
snap.lxd.activate.service failed because the control process exited with
error code.
See "systemctl status snap.lxd.activate.service" and "journalctl -xeu
snap.lxd.activate.service" for details.
A simple workaround is to disable feature "AppArmor control directories"
in VPS details in vpsAdmin -- uncheck it. snapd and LXD will no longer
try to use AppArmor and will work again.