[vpsFree.cz: community-list] RHEL na VPSfree?

Pavel Snajdr snajpa at snajpa.net
Fri Feb 5 16:53:31 CET 2021

> Ha,
> Snajpo, našel jsem asi to co hledáš jako právní záruku pro RPM 
> redistribuci:
> https://static.redhat.com/legacy/f/pdf/corp/RH-3573_284204_TM_Gd.pdf
> "If you are an educational institution, a not-for-profit organization,
> a user group, or an individual affiliated with or employed by any of
> those organizations, Red Hat grants you a trademark license with
> respect to the RED HAT mark for use with the non-commercial
> redistribution of Red Hat®Enterprise Linux® in the form you
> electronically downloaded it from our FTP site or other authorized
> electronic download sites or as copied from an original disk from Red
> Hat or its authorized distributors (either from the boxed set or
> delivered directly to you by Red Hat or an authorized distributor".

Cool, to vypada slibne!

S necim takovym by se potom RHEL templaty daly delat v pohode.

Akorat to je dokument z doby RHEL 4, myslis, ze bys mohl interne do 
nekoho postourat a zkusit vystourat neco novejsiho, nebo aspon 
vyjadreni, jestli tohle furt plati?

Diky moc!

(btw, tomu rikam konstruktivni pristup, diky moc za nej)


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