[vpsFree.cz: community-list] NixOS containers na VPS

Jakub Skokan jakub.skokan at vpsfree.cz
Tue Sep 3 09:44:25 CEST 2019

On 8/28/19 11:49 PM, Jakub Fišer wrote:
> snažim se rozjet na*Staging*  VPSce nixos-containers (v podstatě wrapper nad systemd-nspawn) a kontejnery mi nestartujou:
> ```
> -- Unitcontainer at test.service  has begun starting up.
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost systemd[1]: Requested transaction contradicts existing jobs: Transaction forcontainer at test.service/stop  is destructive (container at test.service  has 'start' job queued, >
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost systemd-machined[428]: Failed to stop machine scope: Transaction forcontainer at test.service/stop  is destructive (container at test.service  has 'start' job queued, but 'sto>
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost systemd-machined[428]: Failed to drop reference to machine scope, ignoring: Unit has not been referenced yet.
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost nscd[433]: 433 monitoring file `/etc/passwd` (1)
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost nscd[433]: 433 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost nscd[433]: 433 monitoring file `/etc/group` (3)
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost nscd[433]: 433 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost nscd[433]: 433 monitoring file `/etc/resolv.conf` (5)
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost nscd[433]: 433 monitoring directory `/etc` (2)
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost container test[21148]: Spawning container test on /var/lib/containers/test.
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost container test[21148]: Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost container test[21148]:/etc/localtime does not point into /usr/share/zoneinfo/, not updating container timezone.
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost container test[21148]: Failed to mount sysfs (type sysfs) on /sys/full (MS_RDONLY|MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC ""): No such file or directory
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost container test[21148]: Failed to add new veth interfaces (ve-test:host0): No such process
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost systemd[1]:container at test.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost systemd[1]:container at test.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
> Aug 28 23:31:01 nhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Container 'test'.
> -- Subject: Unitcontainer at test.service  has failed
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support:https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
> -- -- Unit container at test.service has failed.
> -- -- The result is RESULT. ``` Z toho mi připadají relevantní řádky ``` 
> Failed to mount sysfs (type sysfs) on /sys/full 
> (MS_RDONLY|MS_NOSUID|MS_NODEV|MS_NOEXEC ""): No such file or directory 
> Failed to add new veth interfaces (ve-test:host0): No such process ``` 
> ale nejsem z toho nijak zvlášť chytrej. Dovolil bych si z patra 
> odhadnout, že to bude nějakej problém s nested containerama, ale do 
> tohohle moc nevidim. Zkoušel jste někdo rozjet něco podobnýho?

Už by to mělo fungovat. Byl to problém s AppArmorem, viz původní issue



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