Snajpo, našel jsem asi to co hledáš jako právní záruku pro RPM
"If you are an educational institution, a not-for-profit organization,
a user group, or an individual affiliated with or employed by any of
those organizations, Red Hat grants you a trademark license with
respect to the RED HAT mark for use with the non-commercial
redistribution of Red Hat®Enterprise Linux® in the form you
electronically downloaded it from our FTP site or other authorized
electronic download sites or as copied from an original disk from Red
Hat or its authorized distributors (either from the boxed set or
delivered directly to you by Red Hat or an authorized distributor".
Cool, to vypada slibne!
S necim takovym by se potom RHEL templaty daly delat v pohode.
Akorat to je dokument z doby RHEL 4, myslis, ze bys mohl interne do
nekoho postourat a zkusit vystourat neco novejsiho, nebo aspon
vyjadreni, jestli tohle furt plati?
Diky moc!
(btw, tomu rikam konstruktivni pristup, diky moc za nej)